These instructions can help if you completed an in-app purchase, the purchase was successful, but the feature was not made available to you. This is a known issue when users have multiple Google accounts on their phone. If you find yourself in this situation, please give the following steps a try. It has been reported to successfully resolve the issue with several of our users:
For these steps, the correct account references the original account that you used to complete the in-app purchase. To determine the correct account, follow the steps below:
To switch accounts in Google Play, see these instructions.
To verify the account that was used to make the purchase, follow the steps below:
- Open a mobile browser (like Chrome).
- At the top, enter
- Tap Menu
Order History.
- If you can't find a record of your purchase, try switching accounts.
- Uninstall the application from your smartphone
- Open the Google Play Store app on your smartphone and then select the correct account (from the hamburger menu on the top left)
- Log in to the Google Play website from a computer using the same correct account
- Install the application through the Play website from a computer (it will be sent to your smartphone)
If you would instead like to request a refund, please follow these instructions.